CONAPESCA - Validar Documentos

by Comisión Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca



Verifier of official electronic documents of the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CONAPESCA).It is a tool for Fishing Officials and other authorities authorized by CONAPESCA, in which they can verify the notices of producers that they are legal and consistent with the information in said notice, in addition to verifying fishing permits and other electronic documents. officers to be added.Verification is carried out as follows:• The app is accessed, which immediately shows the QR reader.• The QR of the producers notice is scanned (if you have internet, the information is provided online by CONAPESCA, otherwise the information will be provided by what the QR contains)• During the scan, the following information is displayed:1. Notice page2.Date of application3.Name of the economic unit4.RNPA of the permittee5.Name of the vessel6.RNPA of the vessel7.Number of species caught• In the next window, view the species, the kilos and the price that was provided in the registry.In this way, the Authority will verify whether said notice is legal or apocryphal, proceeding as established by Mexican law.